Land & Labor Acknowledgement

Land and Labor Acknowledgement 

Atlantic Street Center acknowledges that we are on the traditional lands of the Coast Salish people. As an organization, and in partnership with other community service advocates throughout the region, 

we honor with gratitude the land itself, the Duwamish, the Tulalip, the Muckleshoot, the Snohomish, and many other local Tribes, past and present. We also acknowledge the labor upon which our country, state, and institutions are built. We remember that our country is built on the labor of enslaved people who were brought to the U.S. from the African continent and recognize the continued contributions of their survivors. We also acknowledge the local history of individuals encamped, forcibly housed and whose past labor made indelible contributions that have shaped the Pacific Northwest region. Overall, we accept the critical role & responsibility that we have to ensure that the legacy of all who labored to build our country, including all people of color and those impacted by ongoing marginalization, is truly honored. 

 Lastly, we recognize our collective responsibility to critically interrogate these histories, to repair harm, and to honor, protect, and sustain this land and our collective humanity. 

NoraLand & Labor Acknowledgement